Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

Langkah-langkah menginstall windows 98

Yesterday, my friends ask me to install Windows XP on his new Acer Aspire 4520 . But when I tried to install win xp , this laptop cannot detect the harddisk... Ups... this is happen again like when I tried install windows XP to Aspire 4710.

Windows XP and Acer Aspire 4520
Should I use nLite to integrate ahci sata driver like this tutorial ?

No! because in Acer Aspire 4520 we just need to change "SATA mode" setting :

1. Turn on aspire 4520

Windows XP and Acer Aspire 4520
2. Press F2 to enter bios, -> "Main" -> select "SATA mode"

Windows XP and Acer Aspire 4520
3. Change AHCI Mode to IDE Mode
Windows XP and Acer Aspire 4520

Windows XP and Acer Aspire 4520
4. Finally, windows xp will detect the HDD.
Windows XP and Acer Aspire 4520
Driver for Windows XP :
169.21_forceware_winxp_32bit_english_whql.exe (VGA) December 19, 2007

14.10_nforce_630a_winxp_english_whql.exe (Chipset)
Atheros wireless win xp driver (WiFi)

Other drivers from Acer CD is compatible with windows XP (except CIR - I still have problem with it) stylish
sorry for my english.. im still learning ;)

Download complete driver acer aspire 4520 : Download link

This is my device manager :)

aspire 4520 device manager xpclick on picture to enlarge
Cara menginstall
1) nyalakan komputer
3)advanced bios features(enter)
4)firs bootdevice cd room
6)masukkan CD
8)boot fromCD ROOM
9)pili pilihan yang bertujuan untuk mempartisi yaitu no2.start komputer with cd rom support(enter) lodding.
10)Pada PROGRAM DOS ketik:F DISK(A:\)f disk enter
11)Tekan (y)enter
12)Lihat partisi yang anda telah buat pada menu no 4
13)enter choice:(3)enter untuk mendelet exstended&primari
14)enter choice:(1)enter untuk mengaktifkan partisi
15)isikan prosentase pada partisi sebesar 50%
16)pilih no2(enter choice:(2)enter untuk exstended)
17)buat satu buah logical
18)setelah itu restart komputer
19)kemidian lakukan perintah dos berikut :
e:format c
e;format d
20)setelah itu beri nama partisi
23)ketik continue&next
24)klik user name next
25) i accept agreement-use-next

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Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

Langkah-langkah menginstall windows 98

Yesterday, my friends ask me to install Windows XP on his new Acer Aspire 4520 . But when I tried to install win xp , this laptop cannot detect the harddisk... Ups... this is happen again like when I tried install windows XP to Aspire 4710.

Windows XP and Acer Aspire 4520
Should I use nLite to integrate ahci sata driver like this tutorial ?

No! because in Acer Aspire 4520 we just need to change "SATA mode" setting :

1. Turn on aspire 4520

Windows XP and Acer Aspire 4520
2. Press F2 to enter bios, -> "Main" -> select "SATA mode"

Windows XP and Acer Aspire 4520
3. Change AHCI Mode to IDE Mode
Windows XP and Acer Aspire 4520

Windows XP and Acer Aspire 4520
4. Finally, windows xp will detect the HDD.
Windows XP and Acer Aspire 4520
Driver for Windows XP :
169.21_forceware_winxp_32bit_english_whql.exe (VGA) December 19, 2007

14.10_nforce_630a_winxp_english_whql.exe (Chipset)
Atheros wireless win xp driver (WiFi)

Other drivers from Acer CD is compatible with windows XP (except CIR - I still have problem with it) stylish
sorry for my english.. im still learning ;)

Download complete driver acer aspire 4520 : Download link

This is my device manager :)

aspire 4520 device manager xpclick on picture to enlarge
Cara menginstall
1) nyalakan komputer
3)advanced bios features(enter)
4)firs bootdevice cd room
6)masukkan CD
8)boot fromCD ROOM
9)pili pilihan yang bertujuan untuk mempartisi yaitu no2.start komputer with cd rom support(enter) lodding.
10)Pada PROGRAM DOS ketik:F DISK(A:\)f disk enter
11)Tekan (y)enter
12)Lihat partisi yang anda telah buat pada menu no 4
13)enter choice:(3)enter untuk mendelet exstended&primari
14)enter choice:(1)enter untuk mengaktifkan partisi
15)isikan prosentase pada partisi sebesar 50%
16)pilih no2(enter choice:(2)enter untuk exstended)
17)buat satu buah logical
18)setelah itu restart komputer
19)kemidian lakukan perintah dos berikut :
e:format c
e;format d
20)setelah itu beri nama partisi
23)ketik continue&next
24)klik user name next
25) i accept agreement-use-next

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